ANT 200 Introduction to Anthropology
ANT 220 Cultural Anthropology
ANT 226 Culture and Personality
ANT 230 Introduction to Archaeology
ECO 231 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 232 Principles of Microeconomics
GEO 100 World Regional Geography
HIS 101 Western Civilization I
HIS 102 Western Civilization II
HIS 121 World History I
HIS 122 World History II
HIS 201 United States History I
HIS 202 United States History II
HIS 216 History of World Relions
HIS 220 Contemporary Studies
HIS 256 African American History
HIS 260 Alabama History
IDH 206 Political and Intellectual Forces in the 20th Century
POL 211 American National Government
POL 220 State and Local Government
PSY 200 General Psychology
PSY 207 Psychology of Adjustment
PSY 210 Human Growth and Development
PSY 220 Human Sexuality
PSY 230 Abnormal Psychology
SOC 200 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 208 Introduction to Criminology
SOC 209 Juvenile Delinquency
SOC 210 Social Problems
SOC 247 Marriage and the Family
SPH 116 Intro. to Interpersonal Communication
Many of these courses are offered though distance education. Please
refer to the online class schedule for a listing of available sections.