The financial burden of paying for college was made easier for many Jefferson State Community College students who attended during the 2021 spring semester.
In the spring, the CARES/CRRSAA Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund provided $1,000 to Jefferson State students who already received PELL Grants and $500 to students who did not receive a grant.
“The pandemic caused many difficulties for our students’ families, so the additional funding was a great help to offset financial burdens,” said Jefferson State President Keith Brown. “Jefferson State takes pride in removing the barriers to education and the distribution of CARES Act money has been a valuable part of helping students continue their education.”
Jefferson State hopes to provide the same amount of funding for students during the 2021 summer term. The funds are in addition to other types of financial aid.
The CARES/CRRSAA funding provides economic relief for students who were enrolled in one or more courses and are intended to help students with expenses such as tuition, food, housing, course materials, and other expenses.
For more information, call (205) 856-7704 or email [email protected].