The Alabama Community College System office has designed a new t-shirt and they are available for purchase!
The shirt is available in white, Carolina blue, cherry red, or charcoal grey. It has a small ACCS logo on the front left and the back of the shirt has the logo with all colleges listed in the circle. It also reads “REAL LIFE EDUCATION” under the logo. Short sleeve shirts are $12.00 and long sleeve shirts are $14.00, add 3.00 for any size above 2XL.
If you would like to purchase a shirt, please print the order form below, fill it out, and send it along with CASH ONLY to Terri Sullivan, Office of Community Outreach, Fitzgerald Student Center – Room 308.
All orders and money should be submitted by 12:00 p.m. on December 16th.
If you have specific questions regarding the t-shirt or the order form, please contact Sharon Ingram at [email protected] or Sheila Smith at [email protected].