Biomedical Equipment Technology (BET)
BET 211 Biomedical Electronic Systems I
3 semester hours
Prerequisite: Admission to program (Lec 3 hrs)
This course is an introduction into theory and patient safety. Included in the course are rules and regulations associated with mechanical and electrical equipment. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to test and measure for unsafe potentials and currents in medical devices. (F)
BET 222 Medical Communications Systems
3 semester hours
Prerequisite: Admission to program
Included in this study are many of the medical devices that are used in the medical profession. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to troubleshoot basic communications systems currently used in hospitals. (Sp)
BET 233 Pulse and Computer Circuits
3 semester hours
Prerequisite: Admission to program
The purpose of this course is to acquaint the student with the concepts necessary to troubleshoot microprocessor-based circuits found in medical devices. Students will construct and use basic database programs for medical equipment management. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to repair and troubleshoot computer circuits found in medical devices. (Sp)
BET 234 Biomedical Electronic Systems III
3 semester hours
Prerequisite: Admission to program
(Lec 2 hrs, Lab 2 hrs)
This course is a continuation of BET 232. Included in this course is the technical information needed to safely operate an assortment of medical monitoring equipment. The student upon completion of this course will be able to repair and troubleshoot problems associated with various medical devices. (Su)
BET 240 Clinical On-Site Study
4 semester hours
Prerequisite: Admission to program
(Clin 12 hrs)
The purpose of this course is to assign each student to a local hospital facility working as a trainee. Students will work with qualified individuals in the field. The student upon completion of this course will be qualified as an entry-level employee for a hospital or vendor. (Su)
BET 241 The Law and Legal Issues in Biomed
2-3 semester hours
Prerequisite: Admission to program
The purpose of this course is to acquaint the student with current law and news as it relates to Biomed. The student will research current and past legal decisions related to Biomed. Upon completion of this course, each student will be able to research and know how to find any and all legal and safety procedures that are related to the handling of medical devices and search periodicals for current legal issues. (Su)