JSCC Website Design Feedback Gender: Male Female Prefer not to answer Age: Rank the design variationsDesign 1* First Choice Second Choice Third Choice Design 2* First Choice Second Choice Third Choice Design 3* First Choice Second Choice Third Choice Please answer the following questions based off your favorite design.1. What are your first impressions of the website design?* 2. What stands out the most when you first view the website?* 3. Are the colors, fonts, and images used in the design appealing and appropriate?*YesNoIf no, please explain 4. Do you feel like the “Start Here”, "Find Your Path", "Apply Today", and other "Call-to-Action" buttons are clear and easy to identify?*YesNoIf no, please explain 5. Do you find the color scheme and fonts easy to read?*YesNo6. Is the content easy to read and understand? If no, please explain*YesNoIf no, please explain 7. What do you like most about the website design?* 8. What do you like least about the website design?* 9. Are there any features or elements you feel are missing?*YesNoIf yes, please explain 10. What changes would you recommend to improve the website? 11. Does the design make you feel engaged or interested in the content?*YesNoExplain if so, how? If not, why not? 12. Does anything in the design feel off-putting or out of place?*YesNoIf yes, please explain Additional Comments:Please share any additional comments that you would like to include. Δ